The man, who is known as King Khan of Bollywood today – Shah Rukh Khan — was once a common man like us. Years ago, he too roamed around on the streets of Mumbai, the city of dreams, looking out for work. The larger-than-life persona that we see in SRK today is nothing but the years spent with a lot of persistence and hard work. There couldn’t be a better way to describe the upcoming weekend chat show, The Anupam Kher Show: Kucch Bhi Ho Sakta Hai on Colors TV. The show that premiers on the channel soon, is going to be a platform where people like us will see celebrities, who, once were one of us, talking about their stories of rejection, struggle, sleepless nights and ‘that’ life changing moment. Get face-to-face with people behind these celebrities, who believed in their dreams, changed the course of their destiny to became successful.
As the title suggests, the show is a brainchild of actor and life coach Anupam Kher and will feature the likes of Shah Rukh Khan, Mahesh Bhatt, Kangana Ranaut, Kapil Sharma, Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, Yuvraaj Singh, Om Puri and Naseeruddin Shah. With a positive outlook towards life, it sets out to provide hope and inspiration to viewers. The featured celebrities will share their story of struggle and elaborate on what makes them what they are today. To triumph above all odds, to stay motivated, to be persistent in the face of hardship – these are the qualities that make achievers extraordinary is going to be the heart and soul of the conversation on The Anupam Kher Show. The tete-a-tete with different achievers will have them share various anecdotes of the celebrities’ lives where they will share their moments of inspiration, self-realization and self-belief.
Kuch Bhi Ho Sakta Hai is not only about getting inspired but also about letting people believe in the concept of blessing in disguise and turning the course of destiny. The show will have a ‘Kuch bhi Ho Sakta Hai’ moment for the audience, where they will get to have an interactive session with the guest towards the end of the show. One person from the crowd will be called on the stage and will be given an opportunity to interact with the guest. Not just that this, the lucky person will also get to click a “selfie” with the celebrity guest.
Get ready to get inspired as the show kicks –off soon on your favourite channel, Colors TV!