Malaika Arora Khan 'the Anarkali of Bollywood' who was earlier seen in the audition episodes preparing the contestants along with Kirron Kher and Karan Johar returns to India's Got Talent Grand Finale. The actress is now prepping up to set the stage on fire and leave no stone unturned to make a splendid comeback for the Grand Finale this Sunday 18th November.
On her return to the stage, Malaika said, “It is overwhelming to be back on the India's Got Talent stage. It is such a high energy show with dynamic individuals who bring unique and different talent to the world. To be amongst these creative souls, I feel inspired again!”
On who she thinks will be the winner, she said, “For me, the winner is Deepraj. Coming from a humble background, Deepraj has won my heart with his singing, his dedication to being different and with his innocence. I hope he wins the competition.”
The actress will be seen shaking her booty to the tunes of the greatest hits of her career like Munni Badnam Hui, Chaiyaa Chaiyaa and Anarkali Disco Chali. While it's a great opportunity for all Malaika fans to see her groove to the beats, host Cyrus Sahukar will be the lucky man to dance with her. Manish Paul are you listening?