From the beginning of the season, Gautam has been one of the most popular contestants in the Bigg Boss house. Be it his ‘chaudhe mein karunga’ attitude, his romantic angle with Diandra, his ‘Simba-Mufasa’ relationship with Puneet or his rap-style fights with Ali Quli Mirza, Gautam has never failed to win hearts. We’re giving you our top 5 reasons which make us believe that Gautam could be a probable winner of Bigg Boss 8 and Bigg Boss Halla Bol!
1.He walks the talk: Gautam has always claimed to do as he says. He doesn’t believe in talking behind someone’s back, be it a friend or foe, and however annoying it may be for others he points out mistake on the face. ‘Khulle mein karunga…’ and all that jazz!
2.One Man Army: There have been times when the whole house has been against Gautam. They have isolated him, taunted him and blamed him but he withstood it all. Now isn’t that so much of a winner’s quality?
3.Keep Calm and be Gautam: This has really been his mantra throughout the season. In his house which is so full of chaos, drama and tears Gautam has maintained his calm with much patience and have come up with unique ways to avoid fights. You know like when he starts singing, “Isse Kehte Hai Torture Torture”. C’mon, now who can fight with that?!
4.Gautam – The Loyalist: He may not have made many friends in the house, but the one he became close to (we’re talking about Puneet here), he made sure he remained loyal to him, come what may. The Simba-Mufasa relationship was quite surprising and endearing to watch, especially in a house where relations change at the drop of a hat!
5.We love, we love…you know the rest!: His Dabangg attitude won your heart? Yes. His 8-pack abs mesmerized all you girl fans? Yes. When he cried, it broke your heart? Yes. So when someone gets so much love from fans, that he even goes to trend ‘Worldwide’ on social media, now isn’t that an epic win in itself?
Fun Fact: Gautam has, till date, been the most popular contestant in the Bigg Boss series. Now what does that say?
We would like to know your top 5 reasons to see Gautam a.k.a Gauti a.k.a Gullu win this season. Yes, you may now start commenting in the section below!