Recently launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, by our honorable PM Narendra Modi, seems to have picked up momentum once again as celebrities like Salman Khan were recently spotted cleaning up. Not only Salman but even many other Bollywood celebrities have come forward and have become a part of this grand and noble campaign.
And we think it’s no better time than Diwali to add your bit to this gesture. Often, while celebrating this joyous festival we forget the aftermath that occurs and the endless hours our sweepers work to clean mess from the streets where people light up crackers. When asked our Colors family on what their thoughts are about this campaign, Deepika Samson who plays Simar in Sasural Simar Ka said, “It’s important that we become responsible towards our country. We have to make sure that we do all that possible things which will keep our city state and country clean. “
We’ve learned it in school that keeping our surroundings clean is as important as keeping your house clean. But sometimes we tend to forget this important lesson of life. Deepshikha, who recently got evicted from Bigg Boss 8, came out with a firm decision to maintain cleanliness. “I am very happy that our PM started this Abhiyan and I completely support it. Charity begins at home and same way we must keep our house, building and the lanes clean. Simple things like disposing the garbage in the dustbins provided on roads needs to be followed. If each person will take this responsibility than India will be clean. After coming out from Bigg Boss house I have made it clear to my kids that they have to clean their rooms without fail and I follow suit,” said Deepshikha.
Diwali is also considered to be a festival of celebrating the spirit of happiness and contentment. And the best way to maintain the spirit is by going eco-friendly and causing minimal damage. Avika Gor of Sasural Simar Ka fame commented, “Celebration is important but without hampering the spirit of the festival. We should keep in mind that we are in no way spoiling our city. Diwali is a festival of light, happiness and joy and not noise and air pollution.”
Many of our celebrities shared tips on how to celebrate Diwali in an eco-friendly manner and really it couldn’t get easier than this! If we could all show a bit of responsibility collectively, the festival can be celebrated true to its real definition of being the festival of lights and spreading love.
So this year let’s make a pledge in bringing out the true meaning of the festival, promise to stay ‘Swachh’ and celebrate a truly prosperous Diwali!