Avika Gor, all of 16 years, has donned so many avatars that she could make a seasoned actor jealous. The young actress, who plays the Bharadwaj bahu in Sasural Simar Ka, has extended the role to playing Jhumki, and more recently, transforming into Sonia Oberoi. Needless, to say, Avika is really excited about playing new characters regularly. Avika says, “I’m lucky that I get to play all these characters as I was known as Anandi (from Balika Vadhu) earlier, and now I have been Roli, Jhumki, Sonia, and a lot more.
Apart from feeling lucky, Avika also has to make a lot of efforts to get into the skin of these characters. “Playing Jhumki was the most difficult as she was completely different from Roli. But playing Roli after getting used to Jhumki was also very tough as I had to show the difference between the two,” says Avika.
She continues, “Playing the sardar was also a lot of fun, except for the part where I had to stick a fake moustache and beard to my face, which was gross! I love the challenges that all these roles offer”.
Avika, who has been acting for five years now, loves dressing up in sarees and playing Roli, but when we ask her if she has a dream role that she would love to play, her reply is surprising. Avika says, “I really like Roli, but I would love to play Simar! It would be really interesting to play a character which is so different from Roli, and I would love that challenge.”
That’s quite a dream that Avika has, but we’re sure that Avika playing the role of Simar will disappoint the many fans that Roli has. What say?