One of the most cheerful and lively contestants of the show, Karishma Kotak had to make an emergency exit from Bigg Boss after spending nearly four weeks in the house. This sudden exit was very shocking for all the housemates as she had to leave due to her father's demise.
In the begining of the show, Karishma was seen discussing with her model-friend Niketan about her father's ailment saying that the price money would support her to get him treated. But, yesterday the sad news of her father's death left her devastated.
Happy go lucky Karishma used to be very concerned about her father even indside the house and was seen sharing anecdotes and childhood memories of her with her father. Rememeber she once showed how her father dances?
Karishma used to be concerned about her father even inside the houseand remembering him quite a number of times
We convey our heartfelt condolences to the family.