Malgaadi Task To Play Significant Role In The Final Prize Money On Bigg Boss 10!
  • posted by
  • ColorsTv
  • last updated on
  • January 3, 2017
  • at
  • 1:53 pm

As per the new task 'Malgaadi',for the first time in history of Bigg Boss the winner's prize money will be reduced to minimum. Rohan and Monalisa will become jailers in the Bigg Boss House and the rest will be the  prisoners. The prisoners will be tied by chains during the task on a rail. There will be a certain prize money on every prisoner. This prize money will be decided by Rohan and Monalisa only. 


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​Whenever there will be a sound of siren one of the prisoners could be released and the prize money allotted for that prisoner would be ​added to the winner's prize money. But the condition also is that the prisoners whom Rohan and Monalisa will release will be out to fight as a contender for captaincy. There will be key to every prisoner's lock. If the prisoner is willing can unlock himself or herself and can directly become one of the contenders for the captaincy, however the prize money on that prisoner will not be added to the winner's prize money. So, the first 4 prisoners who come out of the train on their own will fight for captaincy as per that.


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Adding further details Bigg Boss mentions that if all the prisoners are smoothly delivered to Bigg Boss the winner's prize amount will again come back to the original.


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Know how things unfold in tonight's episode of Bigg Boss 10 at 10:30 PM!


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