Dance Deewane has a pool of diverse judges and that’s no secret. From Madhuri Dixit who is an ultimate diva, Shashank Khaitan who is Bollywood’s acclaimed director to Tushar Kalia who is a choreographer par excellence graced the show with their awesomeness one episode at a time. Through the season, it’s safe to say that Tushar Kalia made our hearts skip a beat every time he performed on stage, be it a solo act or accompanying the contestants and celebrities. Not to forget, his style sense was all kinds of dapper too! On the finale which is three days away, he’s set to perform like never before and there’s no way you can miss that!
Here’s rounding up his journey for you!
#1 This makes us wait for the finale even more!
#2 A performance that gave us the jitters!
#3 A little bit of Bollywood never hurt anyone!
#4 When he leads the troop, you know you're in for a visual treat.
#5 He makes temperatures soar and how!
#6 Not just a super dancer, he's a pretty cool hockey player too!
Dance Deewane's grand finale happens this Saturday, 15th September at 9 pm. Don't forget to tune in!