Bigg Boss Saath-7 has reached its final lap and with only few more hours to go, one of the 4 contestants between Sangram, Gauahar, Tanishaa and Ajaz will walk out with the coveted title of the winner of the Bigg Boss Saath-7.
The final four are nervous and along with the audience must be biting their nails as the curiosity level is at its peak.
As the ex housemates along with Salman Khan get ready for the finale performances the awesome foursome inside the house are busy packing their bags with not just their belongings but also with all the good, bad and ugly memories they have attached to the house. All the contestants are in the retrospective mood thinking about the 100 odd days they have spent with people who were strangers before but now have become an unforgettable part of their lives.
Right now if you peep in the house you will see all of them either smiling or crying by themselves thinking about the sweet-sour incidences which probably has been eye opener for some of them and taught them lot of things to remember for life.
Bags are packed which might remind them of that time when similarly they packed their bags when they were entering a place which they didn’t know about, a place which was very unpredictable, a place which they thought was a challenge, a place which everyone calls Bigg Boss house.
As the finale draws closer, we wait with bated breath to know who will lift the much coveted winner title of this season. Tune in at 9 pm on colors to catch the Grand Finale!