Fair Captain-ship or no?
  • posted by
  • ColorsTv
  • last updated on
  • October 17, 2014
  • at
  • 6:34 pm

Apparently the captain-ship of Ali isn’t hasnt gone down too well with the housemates. A lot of chinese whispers is happening in the house, where all the housemates are only complaining about Ali's stern behaviour. I wonder is that because earlier the gharwaalas did not have any captain and they were in the comfort zone? Ah or could be because the housemates have begun to feel that they have suddenly come under a military regiment. I could hear Diandra and Ali having an argument over a candle being burnt. Seems like someone is actually being too bossy huh! Later the housemates mutually decided to talk it out with Ali . One of them actually made a mention that listening to the captain is their duty however the capt.  too should keep in mind that he needs to support the participants and be understanding and not always be aggressive and authoritative, to this Ali responded that he will remain as it is until he is a captain and accordingly when he is on the other side; will abide by what his captain would expect him to do. Smart and safe,don’t you think? Now I want to see that with such a strong opposition, how long would the tenure of the current captain be there in the house psst psst!


 Watch tonight's episode at 9pm to see how the housemates react to Ali's sternness!

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