Housemates were told to change into their designer wears by some very well known designers in town. In fact to make them feel special Big Boss announced that the contestants were going to launch the fashion store through a fashion show! I saw them so excited about this idea that everyone made sure to look their best! They were also given a chance to chose their own wardrobe from their favorite designers! Diandra became the chosen one to choreograph the ramp show for the night. After a little rehearsal as everyone got ready for the final show, Bigg Boss sent in another surprise! Housemates were called out in the garden area for a grand performance awaiting them. I craned my neck out and guess who was there? “Mouni Roy and Punit Pathak’! I also got to know something from my secret sources; did you know that Mouni and Karishma are best friends! Mouni seemed very excited before stepping inside the house and I heard her mentioning that she was dying to meet Karishma!Trust me it was a nice feeling to see the two girls meet after so long!
Oh and before I forget to mention about the Fashion show, I must admit that the housemates turned out to be absolutely gorgeous and quite professional. While walking the ramp Sonali tripped and fell on the stage and all the chivalrous guys in the house ran up to help her. But Sonali stunned everyone and took this very sportingly while walking back with an unaffected smile. Bravo Girl!
Towards the end, show stopper Diandra came walking… rather setting the floor on fire! Too hot I say!! She looked drop dead beautiful in what she wore and the way she walked!
To know more about the grand show, watch tonight's episode at 9pm.
Running out for shopping,