India’s favourite afternoon cooking show has been winning hearts all over and today was no exception either. Ever since Kitchen Champions launched, the show witnessed an array of television celebrities who came on the show with their near and dear ones and entertained us for a complete hour! Today, the super charming Shivin Narang along with his mother challenged Ridhima Pandit and her sister. If you’ve missed this episode filled with fun, here’s a quick recap!
#1 Two of everybody’s favourites – Shivin and Ridhima walked in with their absolute favourites and took the kitchen by storm!
#2 Talks about the Internet Wala Love actor Shivin and the boss lady Ridhima’s rishta became the topic of discussion today. We can say we laughed a lot, what about you?
#3 Not only that, we tested the actor’s knowledge in guessing a few songs by throwing English lyrics at them. Who do you think won it?
#4 A variety of games like finishing a ‘higher number of watermelons’ was played between Shivin and Ridhima. Not only did they beat the heat, but also tickled our funny bones one slice after another.
#5 Winner winner chicken dinner! Ridhima along with her sister won a series of tasks at even won the tag of the kitchen champion! Cute, right?
Tune in to Kitchen Champions from Monday to Friday at 1:30 pm.