India’s first ever live singing reality TV show has finally commenced. The first episode aired last night and don’t worry if you missed out on it because we have all the inside details for you right here.
The night began with the introduction of our fabulous experts- Diljit Dosanjh, Monali Thakur and Shankar Mahadevan. The first performer was Mr. Rohanpreet and he not only raised the wall but also made sure such ki deewar phi uthegi.
After the performance Ravi Dubey and little Partth Dhamija were back on the stage to entertain the audience with their gimmicks.
The show continued with the next performer Mamta Raut who scored 86% with her brilliant singing. Once she was done, Ravi Dubey shared her story and spoke about her she is an inspiration to women everywhere. Diljit too spoke on marriage and the dowry system.
Each performance was one better than the other. The judges and host never let the viewers forget the main aim of this show which was Uthao Such Ki Deewar and how every contestant is not only raising the wall by their singing but also uplifting mindsets with their life stories.
The night ended with an outstanding performance by the friendship band.
Stay tuned for more updates about India’s only live singing reality tv show.
Tell us in the comments below who your favourite performer was.