Preetika Rao has always been a maverick, who has stood out because of her thoughts.. For example, we recently spoke to her about the monsoons and contrary to being romantic, she came up with some amazing answers that we hardly think of during this season. The question was sent to her via text: “Preetika tell us five things you love about monsoons.” She just took 10 seconds to think and reply-
“I love the greenery that monsoon enhances. It’s only during the rainy season that we can actually feel how blessed we are to have these amazing trees and plants.” Wow Preetika that was quite impressive!
Her next reply was: “The magical monsoon breeze is another thing that I enjoy.” Hmmmm… Yes, Preetika we sometimes totally miss thanking nature.
She is so full of gratitude that she did not forget to thank the clouds in her response to monsoon love. “Clouds that save us from the harsh sun rays,” was her third reply.
Temperature drop brings us so much relief from the humidity. The credit goes to monsoons. Yes, this was her next reply: “The pleasant weather created by the temperature drop!”
Last but not the least, she reminded us of our science lessons. The importance of monsoons is environmental water cycle: “High tide in the sea and lakes getting fuller,” she replied. That brushed off some dust from our brain about the monsoon reminding us of the actual purpose of it.
Preetika you are full of gratitude and we believe that you are a monsoon lover in true sense!