On the second day of Hijack task, Bigg Boss instructed Deepshikha's team to sit and Pritam's team to annoy them. Firstly Karishma kept denying doing the task and the housemates supported her. But she later agreed when Bigg Boss instructed them to do the task. Task started in good spirit but later Karishma and Diandra kept interrupting when Soni, Natasa and Sukirti were trying to annoy them. Other members of the team Puneet, Praneet and Pritam were unable to annoy the other team members. Instead of irritating them, Puneet was helping the rival team members.
After observing the disinterest of their team member, Sukirti, Soni and Natasa gave up and went inside the aircraft. They were heard saying that the other team is not playing with the right spirit. While Praneet, Puneet and Pritam defended themselves by saying that they can bear the pain given to them but they can not inflict pain on others hence they are not participating much in the task.
Seeing Pritam's team's losing it, Deepshikha's team looked cheerful but they kept glued to their seats.
To know what happened next, stay tuned to Bigg Boss 8 at 9 pm only on Colors!
Over n'Out