An engaging and dramatic plot, Swabhimaan revolves around the life of two sisters, Meghna and Naina. They are the daughters of a Maths teacher, Sharda, who has brought them up with a beautiful balance of modern and traditional values.
Sharda is a woman of steel resolve. After her husband’s demise, she has brought up her daughters to her best ability. Meghna and Naina, are loving sisters, yet have their own individual identities that unfolds as the story moves forth.
Swabhimaan is a story that each one of us can relate to. Whether parents looking for a suitable match for their highly educated daughters or talented, young girls confident to strike a perfect balance between their work and married life we can easily find our own reflection in these characters.
The story belongs to the present age however the traditional values are also equally upheld. At all points the show tries to put across that we need both a modern outlook as well as traditional values to be successful at anything in life.
The story has all the necessary elements to keep the audience hooked to it. The show is definitely going to be high on entertainment and drama with many ups and downs in the life of these two sisters, Meghna and Naina.